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Saturday, June 20, 2020



JOB TITLE:  Consultant – Translation Services  |
JOB LOCATION:   Abuja   |
JOB TYPE:  Full Time  |
COMPANY/MINISTRY:    International Alert     |

  International Alert is one of the world’s leading peacebuilding organisations, with over 30 years of experience supporting communities, advising governments, organisations and companies on how to build peace. Alert works with people in conflict-affected and threatened areas to make a positive difference for peace; to improve the substance and implementation of international policies relevant to peacebuilding; and to strengthen the peacebuilding sector.

  1. The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325), unanimously adopted in October 2000, stressed the importance of the equal participation and full involvement of women in all efforts to maintain and promote peace and security.
  2. This resolution, with its four pillars of prevention, participation, protection and peacebuilding and recovery, has become the focal point for galvanizing worldwide efforts to deal with the many challenges that women face in situations of conflict. In the years since, eleven additional resolutions on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) have been adopted.
  3. That created a robust framework for implementing the WPS agenda and reinforced global commitments, treaties and conventions on women’s rights, including the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. To deliver these commitments at the national level, the United Nations has encouraged Member States to adopt National Action Plans (NAPs) on WPS to implement the resolutions and monitor the progress of the WPS agenda. As of September 2019, 82 countries have adopted NAPs-WPS.
  4. In order to contribute to an increase in women’s access to and participation in peace mediation and negotiation in Nigeria, women’s capacity in mediation and negotiation skills needs to be improved and extended to all areas of work, including security sector reform, financing and power-sharing. The impact of conflict on women and their role in peace processes need to be better exposed and reflected on; and the implementation of various policies related to Women, Peace and Security needs to be accelerated and monitored. A comprehensive response from all stakeholders is necessary to ensure gains made are not reversed.
  5. The Government of Nigeria through the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs adopted its NAP in 2013 and launched a second edition in 2017 with the support of Nigerian Stability Reconciliation Programme (NSRP), the European Union and UN Women.
  6. The second edition addresses the key issues of violent extremism, post-conflict and reintegration challenges, crisis management and recovery as well as monitoring and evaluation. As at September 2019, 11 States have adopted a State Action Plan (SAP); while Adamawa, Gombe and Plateau States have begun adopting Local Action Plans (LAPs) at grassroots level. SAP provides a guide for state and non-state actors on gender mainstreaming and gender-sensitive approaches to peacebuilding and security processes. Bauchi State is at its final phase of developing its SAP.
  7. As a build-up to its support to the government of Nigeria to meet its commitments on UNSCR 1325, UN Women is implementing a 2-year programme on WPS, in partnership with International Alert, and with funding support from the Government of Norway. The initiative is designed to achieve the broad goal of gender-inclusive and sustainable peace in Nigeria through:
  8. Increased women’s effective participation in peace and security processes, peace negotiations, conflict prevention and resolution.
  9. Improved public perception on the role of women in peace and security, at all levels through opportunities for engagement and dialogue.
  10. Against this background, International Alert seeks to engage the services of consultants to provide translation for the State Action Plan developed for Bauchi and Benue States respectively.

Scope of Work
  1. The Consultant(s) will independently undertake translation from English to Hausa, Sayyawa, Tiv and Idoma for the advancement of the Women, Peace and Security agenda.
  2. The Consultant(s) will translate a document of minimum 50 pages.
  3. Consultant(s) must ensure accuracy of the terms and terminologies used in the document.
  4. Consultant(s) must ensure that the translation is written with style, correct grammar and spelling.

  1. The final document in simple and standard Hausa, Sayyawa, Tiv and/or Idoma should be in Microsoft Word, and mirror the format of the English document.

  1. 3-5 years of experience translating English into Hausa, Sayyawa, Tiv or Idoma
  2. Demonstrated ability to write in simple and standard Hausa, Sayyawa, Tiv or Idoma
  3. Strong verbal and written communication skills
  4. Ability to use Microsoft Word
  5. Access to a laptop to accomplish the scope of work
  6. Availability during the consultancy period

Interested candidates, forward your Expression of Interest, indicating their experience, samples of past work done, the total price of the services including all applicable taxes to: and copy and

  27th June, 2020.

  1. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. If you have not heard from us within three weeks of the closing date, you can assume your application has been unsuccessful. Please do not send follow-up emails or calls.
  2. International Alert is an equal opportunities employer. All applicants will be judged strictly based on merit

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